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  • Limited Amount- only one per customer- thanks

    In SC, and in hot climates and where the ground freezes solid, it is better to plant in a pot. The pot or container needs to have good drainage. The container doesn't have to be deep, at least 10 inches deep. 


    Use a good quality soil like sungro and mix with Black Kow compost. If you are not in the area, find a good brand of soil. Stay away from MGrow.


    The bulbs should NOT be buried. They need to sit right on top of the ground.


    In hot climates like SC, keep them in full sun from September to July 1st. After that, make sure they are only getting morning and evening sun.


    If you live where it freezes, bring them before the ground freezes. 


    Don't water heavily.  For the first 2 weeks, use a spray bottle to keep the ground wet but do not saturate.


    After they start making roots, water sparingly.  Let them dry out between watering. Only water the top inch. DO NOT OVER WATER.


    Thank you so much for your order. 

    Red Egyptian Walking Onions -5 puppies

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